
Volume:25 (Publication Year:December 2014) Issue: I

Sr. No. Title & Author
1 Job Stress of Employees of Anand Agricultural University, by - Sunil R. Patel B. D. Patel and N. V. Soni
2 Development of Scale to Measure Attitude of the Farmers Towards Anubhav Liquid Bio-fertilizer Phosphate Culture, by - Chirag B. Damor, Mahesh R. Patel and Arun Patel
3 Attitude of Farmers Towards Training Programme of Mega Seed Project, by - A. J. Dhodia, R. M. Naikand B. M. Tandel
4 Training Needs of Agricultural Input Dealers in Transfer of Agriculture Technology, by - Y.J Waghmode H.V. Borate and K. D. Gulkari
5 Dynamic characteristics and Attitude of Agriculture College Students Towards Agriculture Education, by - Gordhan Singh Bhati and Kesha Ram
6 Development of Scale to Measure Attitude of Employees Towards Working Pattern of State Agricultural University, by - Sunil R. Patel, J. K. Patel and B. D. Patel
7 Constraints Encountered by Groundnut Growers in Groundnut Pigeonpea Inter Relay-Cropping System, by - B. N. Kalsariya, G. R. Gohil and P. B. Khodifad
8 Frontline Demonstration Influences on Knowledge and Adoption of Mustard Growers, by - Girish Deshmukh, H.B. Patel and Mahesh R. Patel
9 Correlets of Role Performance of Gram Panchayat Members, by - K. L. Chaudhary, Sunil R. Patel and T. R. Patel
10 Influence of Socio-Economic Factors on Adoption of Poultry Farming, by - K. J. Ankuya and Miss P.B. Ashwar
11 Information Needs of Bt. Cotton Growers, by - Pinakin. C. Patel, J. B. Patel and B. R. Panchasara
12 Agricultural Information Used by Subscribers of KRUSHIGOVIDYA on Their Farming, by - N.V.Soni, D.D.Patel and H.B.Patel
13 Peoples Institution for Resource Poor Village Development, by - S. D. Kavad, R. B. Patel and G. R. Patel
14 Socio-Personal Characteristics of Farm Women in Dairy Occupation, by - V.S. Parmar and O.P.Sharma
15 Factor Associated with Adoption of Date Palm Cultivation Technology by the Farmers, by - S.P. Pandya, M. R. Prajapati, and K. P. Thakar
16 Association Between Selected Characteristics of the Farmers and Their Adoption of Management Practices of Drip Irrigation System, by - Surbhi Gauttam, K. A. Thakkar and Sushil Suthar
17 Factors Responsible for Professionalism in Management of Dairy Co-operative Sector, by - R.M. Naik and B.M.Tandel
18 Applications of Grid Computing in Agriculture: An Indian Scenario, by - Xitij U. Shukla, P.S. Parsania and Krunal C. Kamani
19 Services Provided by ATIC to the Farmers and End Users, by - Patil S. D., S. B. Shinde and B. D. Ramode
20 Important Qualities of Agricultural College Teachers as Perceived by Students of Agriculture College, by - P.M.Bhatt
21 Women as Future Farmers, by - Nitu Sindhu and Joginder Malik
22 Exploring Suggestions From the Subscriber Farmers of JALJIVAN to Make the Farm Magazine More Effective, by - Sunny Jani, Mahesh R. Patel and Arun Patel
23 Determinants of Knowledge about Castor Production Technology Among Frontline Demonstrations Beneficiaries, by - G.N.Bhoi, J.K.Patel and B. S. Patel
24 Web Based Customized E-Learning Management System for Students’ Academic Evolution, by - M. P. Raj, D. R. Kathiriya, R. S. Parmar
25 Nuritional, Sensory and Physical Analysis of Processed Multi Grain Weaning Mix, by - Gayatree R. Jadeja
26 Technological Gap in Adoption of Recommended Turmeric Production Technology Among Turmeric Growers, by - Dipika. D. Aglawe, D. S. Kokate, M. Lairenlakpam
27 Impact of Front Line Demonstration on Mustard Growers, by - Rakesh N. Patel and Jaydeep R. Patel
28 Constraints faced by Farmers in Adoption of Recommended Paddy Production Technology, by - H. N. Maheriya, R.C.Patel and J.B.Patel
29 Problems Faced by Paddy Growers in Adoption of Scientific Technology, by - A. R. Makwan, A. C. Vaidhya and D. D. Patel
30 AGROPEDIA: An ICT Initiative in Agricultural Extension, by - K C Kamani, D R Kathiriya and P S Parsania
31 Dynamic Personality of Farmers and Their Attitude Towards Use of Kisan Call Centre, by - Kesha Ram, Gordhan Singh Bhati and J.K.Patel
32 Varietal Evaluation of Wheat through On Farm Testing, by - Banshidhar, A.S.Bhati and S.K.Sharma
33 Impact of Fruits and Vegetable Preservation Training on Women, by - Dipal N. Soni, J. J. Pastagia, Arti N. Soni
34 Constraints Faced by Sugarcane Growers in Adoption of Improved Technology, by - A.G.Patel and H.U.Vyas

Volume:25 (Publication Year:December 2014) Issue: II

Sr. No. Title & Author
1 Development of Scale to Measure Attitude of the Farmers towards Drip Irrigated Banana Cultivation, by - Krunal Gulkari and N. B. Chauhan
2 Correlate of Socio-Techno Economic Changes at Rehabilitated Place of Project Affected Farmers, by - Umesh R. Chinchmalatpure and V. V. Mayani
3 Constraints Perceived by the Farmers in Preparation of Vermicompost, by - A.C.Vaidya, A.R.Macwan and D. D. Patel
4 Problems Faced by Vegetable Growers in Using Pesticides, by - Hiralal Jana, R. K. Kole and D. Basu
5 Perception of PG Students About Educational Environment of Anand Agricultural University, by - Sunil R. Patel and H. C. Parmar
6 Attitude, Knowledge and Adoption Level of Dairy Farm Women Towards Dairy Farming, by - R.N. Patel, V.T. Patel and M. R. Prajapati
7 Formulation of Supplementary Mix Using Minor Millet and Its Sensory Evaluation, by - M. R. Prajapati, K.B. Kamaliya, H. H. Chawda
8 Critical Evaluation of Gujarat State Agricultural Universities Web Portals, by - R.S.Parmar, D.R. Kathiriya and M.P.Raj
9 Knowledge and Attitude of Farmers Regarding Biofertilizers, by - D.K. Magarvadiya and V.T. Patel
10 Awareness of Farmers Regarding Organic farming, by - J.K. Patel, V.T. Patel and M. R. Prajapati
11 Development of Scale to Measure Attitude of Rural Youth Towards Agriculture as an Occupation, by - Dweep B. Ramjiyani, Sunil R. Patel and K. L. Chaudhary
12 Impact of Front Line Demonstrations in Transfer of Sesamum Production Technology, by - A. K. Rai, S. Khajuria and Kanak Lata
13 Development of Scale to Measure Attitude of Demonstrated Paddy Growers Towards the SRI Technique, by - Pravin Y. Borole, Mahesh R. Patel and Arun Patel
14 Adoption of Clean Milk Production Practices by Dairy Farm Women, by - Yogesh Gade, Arun Patel and Hemant Borate
15 Assessment of Training Needs of Farm Women, by - S.P.Pandya, M. R. Prajapati and K. P. Thakar
16 Knowledge and Adoption of Tomato Growers About Improved Tomato production Technology, by - Sandeep Yadav, R. R. Prajapati and M.R.Prajapati
17 Motivational Sources and Knowledge of Farmers in Adoption of Drip Irrigation System, by - Surbhi Gauttam, K. A. Thakkar and Sushi Suthar
18 Farm Women Participation in Vermicompost Production, by - R.M.Naik and B.M.Tandel
19 Technological Gap Analysis in Adoption of Groundnut-Pigeonpea Inter-Relay Cropping System, by - G. R. Gohil, J. G. Markana, B. N. Kalsariya
20 Opinion of Farmers About Information of Animal Husbandry Practices Given During Krishi Mahotsav, by - Arti N. Soni , Dipal N. Soni and H. B.Patel
21 Standardization and Nutritional Evaluation of Health Bar, by - K. B. Kamaliya, D. H. Patel and M. R. Prajapati
22 Correlates of Adoption of Recommended Groundnut Pigeonpea Inter-Relay Crop Production Technology by Farmers, by - G. R. Gohil, B. N. Kalsariya and J. G. Markana
23 Technological Gap in Adoption of Recommended Maize Seed Production Practices by the Maize Seed Producers, by - B.S. Patel, U.M. Patel and K.V. Chaudhary
24 Gain in Knowledge of Jaljivan Farm Magazine Subscriber Farmers, by - Sunny Jani, Mahesh R. Patel and Arun Patel
25 Impact of Front Line Demonstrations on the Yield of Cumin, by - K. N. Sondarva, R. M. Parmar and P. J. Jaiswal
26 Technology Utilization Behaviour of Paddy Growers, by - H.N.Maheriya, R.C.Patel and J.B.Patel
27 Opinon and Usefulness of Krishi Vigyan Kendra Perceived by Groundnut Growers, by - J.R. Patel and R.N. Patel
28 Constraints Faced by Farmers in Adoption of Turmeric Production Technology, by - Dipika D. Aglawe, M. Lairenlakpam and D. S. Kokate
29 Usefulness of Information About Cotton Production Practices Given During Krishi Mahotsav, by - Arti N. Soni , H. B.Patel and N.V.Soni
30 Participation of Farm Women in Animal Husbandry Activities, by - Heli Raval, J.B. Patel and B. M. Patel
31 Identification of Dryland Farming Systems Adopted by Dryland Farmers, by - Umesh R. Chinchmalatpure and N.Y. Said
32 Technological Gap in Adoption of Sugarcane Cultivation Practices by Sugarcane Growers, by - A.G.Patel and H.U.Vyas

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