
Volume:24 (Publication Year:December 2013)

Sr. No. Title & Author
1 Development of Scale to Measure Attitude of Farmers towards Holstein Friesian, by - J. K. Patel, J. B. Patel, Onima V. T. and N. B. Chauhan
2 Perception of the College Students Regarding Various Aspects of Computer Applications, by - P.S. Parsania, Krunal C Kamani and X. U. Shukla
3 Extent of Adoption of the Market Intelligence Among the Summer Cabbage Growers, by - J.D. Desai and K.D. Solanki
4 Appraisal of Training Needs of Members of Tribal Women SHGs for Agriculture Management, by - N. M. Chauhan and S.M. Kshirsagar
5 Relationship between Profile of the Maize Growers and their Socio-Techno-Economic Changes, by - J . Matwa, N. V. Soni, P.M.Bhatt and B. H. Patel
6 Knowledge of Farmers Regarding Green Manuring for Sustainable Agriculture, by - Krunal P. Patel and Meena C. Patel
7 Use of Agricultural Information by KRUSHIGOVIDYA subscriber’s on their Farming, by - N.V. Soni, P.M. Bhatt, Mahesh R. Patel and Krunal C. Kamani
8 Attitude of farmers towards Agro processing, by - Priyanka M. Parmar and Meena C. Patel
9 Development of Scale to Measure Attitude of Farmers towards Gir Cow, by - J. K. Patel, J. B. Patel, Krunal Gulkari and N. B. Chauhan
10 Source and Channels of Agriculture Information used by the Beneficiary Farmers of NAIP-III, by - Vijay Kumar, R.S. Prajapati, Akshay Ghintala and Kuldeep Singh
11 Training Need of Dairy Farm Women in Dairy Farming Practices, by - R. N. Patel, V. T. Patel and M. M. Prajapati
12 Development of Scale to Measure Attitude of Farmers towards Murrah Buffalo, by - B. M. Patel, J. K. Patel, J. B. Patel and N. B. Chauhan
13 Correlets of Attitude towoards Poultry Farmers about Poultry Technology, by - T. R. Patel, J. K. Patel, Kalpesh Chaudhary and J B Patel
14 Scale to measure Attitude of Extension Educationists towards Agricultural FM Radio, by - A.P. Shukla and N.B. Chauhan
15 Encouraging Attributes in Adoption of Pomegranate Cultivation Practices by the Pomegranate Growers, by - R. D. Dhandhukia, M. M. Parjapati, R. N. Patel and M. R. Prajapati
16 Tool to Measure Attitude towards Computer Application, by - P. J. Joshi and N. B. Chauhan
17 Evaluation of Knowledge on Nutritional Facts of Tribal Women, by - Dipal N. Soni, Keshav B. Kamaliya, J. J. Pastagia and P. D. Verma
18 Attitude of Extension Educationists towards Agricultural FM Radio, by - A.P. Shukla and N.B. Chauhan
19 Scale to Measure Attitude of Woman Research Scholars towards the Use of Computer for Their Empowerment, by - B.M.Christian and N.B.Chauhan
20 Constraints of Vegetable Growers in North Gujarat, by - R.R. Patel, K. A. Thakkar, A. B. Bindage and V. M. Patel
21 Computer Inclination of Agricultural Extension Educationists, by - P. J. Joshi, N. B. Chauhan and D.D.Patel
22 Relationship Between the Personal Characteristics of BT and non BT Cotton Growers and their Level of Knowledge, by - Sameer Dalvi , Sumit Salunkhe and Surendra Kumar Rai
23 Impact of Watershed Crop Production Technology on the Adoption Level of Beneficiary and Non Beneficiary Farmers, by - V.M.Patel, A.J.Patel and J.K.Patel
24 Job Satisfaction of Veterinary Officers, by - H.B. Gardharia, M.N. Popat and M.K. Jadeja
25 Adoption of Recommanded Hybrid Castor Production Technologies by the Farmers of Gujarat, by - Harpreet Sodhi and K.P.Thakkar
26 Impact of Characteristics of Woman Research scholars of SAUs of Gujarat to form their Attitude towards the Use of Computer, by - B.M.Christian and N.B.Chauhan
27 Exploring Suggestions offered by the Krushijivan farm Magazine Subscribers for Making Farm Magazine more Effective, by - J.R.Patel, N.V.Soni, Mahesh R. Patel and H. B. Patel
28 Awareness about Climate Change and its Effect on Agriculture as Perceived by Extension Functionaries, by - J. B. Patel, Onima V. T., Krunal Gulkari and B. D. Patel
29 Knowledge and Adoption Level of Farmers about Scientific Cultivation of Okra in Tapi District, by - C. D. Pandya, S. T. Bhatt and N. M. Chauhan
30 Factors affecting Adoption of No-cost and Low-cost Technologies of Animal Husbandry Practices by Tribal Dairy Farmwomen in Gujarat, by - J. V. Prajapati, P. M. Bhatt and J. B. Patel
31 Inspiring Personality of Farmers to have Positive Attitude towards Green Manuring for Sustainable Agriculture, by - Krunal P. Patel and Meena C. Patel
32 Awareness among Farmers about Krishi Vigyan Kendra - Knowledge Resource Centre in Tapi district, by - C. D. Pandya, Arti N. Soni and N. M. Chauhan
33 Attitude of Cotton Growers towards Bt and Non Bt cotton, by - Sameer Dalvi , Sumit Salunkhe and Surendra Kumar Rai
34 Constraints Faced by the Mango Growers Towards Scientific Cultivation in Mango Orchards, by - Pradip A. Baria, N. V. Soni and D. D. Patel
35 Attitude Towards Application of Distance Education in Agriculture Field, by - Kaushik. G. Khadayta, P.M.Bhatt and H. B. Patel
36 Agribusiness Anxiety and Constraints Perceived in Acceptance of Agribusiness by Postgraduate Students of SAUs of Gujarat, by - B. G. Gadhvi and Meena C. Patel
37 Development of Scale to Measure Attitude of the Farmers towards Agro-Processing, by - Priyanka M. Parmar and Meena C. Patel
38 Market-Led-Extension activities of APMCs, by - S. D. Kavad and R. D. Pandya

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