Guidelines for Authors

Gujarat Journal of Extension Education is the official publication of Gujarat Society of Extension Education. It publishes original research paper in the field of extension education and allied fields.

General rules
The society is playing a significant role in providing a suitable forum for the exchange of ideas, encouraging research, and disseminating knowledge of extension education to the research professionals. The society organizes seminars, workshops, conferences, and various programmes at the national and international level on different topics of national importance. The society has also brought out several souvenirs and recommendations for the scientific community.
The journal publishes full-length research article, short communication based on new finding/approaches and review articles in English only.
The paper submitted for the publication in the journal should not contain material already published in any form, or even a part of it offered for publication elsewhere.
Authors should submit a certificate duly signed by all authors to the effect that material contained has not been submitted elsewhere for publication.
All papers are published after peer-review and after that approved by the Chief Editor.
Submission of paper (through online or offline with CD) does not guarantee its acceptance or publication in Gujarat Journal of Extension Education.
All authors must be a member of the Society of Extension Education, Anand (Gujarat).
Copy of the journal is provided free to all its members. Reprints of papers are not provided.
The research paper should contain only three authors. The research paper contains more than three names will not be accepted for publication.

Preparation of manuscript
1. Articles should not exceed 15 double spaced typed pages, including references, tables, figures, etc.
2. Title of contribution should be short, specific, and phrased to identify the content in the article and include the nature of the study. It must write in running letters with first letter capital.
3. The names and initials of the place where the research was conducted should be given as the by-line. Any change in the address of correspondence address should be provided in a footnote. AUTHORS NAME should be in capital letters.
4. Paper may be outlined under the main heading- ABSTRACT, INTRODUCTION, METHODOLOGY, RESULTS, AND DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION if -any, -ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, REFERENCES, etc. should be in capitals.
5. The manuscript should be submitted in duplicate typed in 12 pt Times New Roman in double space on A4 size paper with a minimum 3 cm left margin and Soft copy will be required at the time of submission of the revised document.
6. The abstract should not exceed 200 words. Key words up to six may be given beneath the abstract. Where the methods are well known, citation the of standard work would suffice.
7. Tables or graphics, wherever necessary, may support the result. Self-explanatory tables should be on separate sheets, with appropriate titles. While referring in texts, the first letter in Table and Fig. should be capital with Fig. in short form.
8. References should be cited chronologically in the text. All references in the text must be listed at the end of the paper, with names of the author arranged alphabetically; all entries in the text must correspond to references in the text.
9. The references should include the names of the authors, year, and the full title of the article, name of the journal, volume number, and pages. In the case of book and monographs etc. the name of publishers, place, and year with a total number of pages should also be given. Journal title should be italic in abbreviated form.
Journal Article:
Munikishor, S., Chandargi, D.M. and Hirevenkanagoudar, L. V. (2008).Development of Scale to Measure the Attitude of Beneficiaries towards Sujala Watershed Project.Karnataka J. Agric. Sci., 21(1): 144-145.
Whole book:
Federer, W.T. (1955). Experimental Desingns. The MacMillin Co., New York.
Book chapter:
Cochran, W.G. (1972). Sampling techniques.Wiley Eastern, New Delhi. 87-107.
Anonymous (1996). Annual report. Department of Agricultural Statistics, B. A. College of Agriculture, Anand Agricultural University, Anand.

Check List:
1. The manuscript is typed in double space throughout in 12 pt Times New Roman.
2. The title is written in running letters only.
3. AUTHORS NAME is capitalized
5. Sub-heading is left aligned.
6. Check all reference cited in the text is in the reference and vice-versa.
7. Give journal name in abbreviated forms in italic in the references.
8. Book title and report name are given in full
9. Tables and Fig are on a separate page and numbered in the order in which discussed in the text.

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