Gujarat Journal of Extension Education


Authors: H. K. Desai, K. A.Thakkar and J. D. Desai

Publisher: The President, Society of Extension Education Gujarat

Keywords: extent of adoption, potato cultivation technology, contract farming

Volume: 33

Issue: 1

Year: June 2022


Abstract: Most of the farm operators being small and marginal farmers in India, there are problems in getting quality raw material for processing, marketing, and distribution, especially in perishable high value crops but contract farming which was restricted, largely, to seed production earlier, spread to perishable produce and has now become the dominant and growing mode of raw material production and procurement co-ordination among the processors and fresh produce market and exporters. Potato is very important perishable high value crop in North Gujarat Agro-climatic zone of Gujarat state with the cultivating area of 97,204 hector in six districts of North Gujarat (Anon.2014-15). Therefore, the present investigation was conducted in the North Gujarat Agro climatic Zone of Gujarat state. Two districts viz., Banaskantha and Sabarkantha occupy the highest area under potato cultivation in North Gujarat and hence, were selected purposively for study. Ten potato growers were randomly selected from twenty villages. In all, 200 contracting potato growers were selected for the study. Important motivated factors farmers toward contract farming were; assured price, price stability, no tension of marketing, technical advice to control pests and diseases, no cash payment for seed. Majority (78.00%) of the potato growers had medium to high level of adoption regarding potato cultivation technology. With respect to practice wise adoption, maximum farmers adopted the practices viz., improved varieties, plant protection, irrigation, seed treatment, fertilizers management and land preparation in case of potato cultivation. The independent variables viz., education, mass media exposure and level of knowledge, age, land holding, occupation, annual income, cropping sequence, and risk orientation had positive and significant correlation with the adoption of potato cultivation technology by the potato growers.

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