Gujarat Journal of Extension Education


Authors: Mohammad Monis Ansari1 and Deepak Kumar Bose2

Publisher: The President, Society of Extension Education Gujarat

Keywords: adoption, correlation, guava, recommended practices, socio-economic

Volume: 35

Issue: 2

Year: June 2023


Abstract: Present research was conducted in Kaurihar block of Prayagraj district of U.P. The purpose of the study was to assist the socio-economic profile of the guava growers and the adoption regarding the recommended guava production practices. Kaurihar block was purposely selected because of the maximum production. From the block total 20 villages were randomly selected for the study, 6 respondents were selected from each village thus the total respondents 120. The results show that majority 61.67 per cent of the respondents belongs to medium level of progressiveness, 66.67 percent belongs to medium level of risk bearing capacity and 49.17 per cent of the respondent belongs to medium level of socio-economic status. The respondents were having medium level of adoption in improved varieties, propagation methods, row-row and plant-plant distance, NPK ration, irrigation, pruning of plant and packaging. And low level of adoption in bahar treatment, intercropping, high density planting, control measures of diseases, insecticides application, mulching, training of plant and post-harvest. Majority 56.67 per cent of the respondent has medium level of adoption. Association between socio-economic profile and adoption of guava cultivation source of information 0.95, annual income 0.87, social participation 0.86 and extension contact 0.81 shows strong and positive correlation.

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