Gujarat Journal of Extension Education


Authors: Minaxi Bariya, Kiran Chandravadia and Hansa Gami

Publisher: The President, Society of Extension Education Gujarat

Keywords: SHG and Non SHG members, Self Help Groups, Profile characteristics, Mean value, Significant difference

Volume: 34

Issue: 2

Year: December 2022


Abstract: In recent years, SHGs have become significant institutions for rural development. It is now being increasingly realized that instead of targeting the individual in the process of development, it would be more useful to adopt the approach of group development. The group approach makes available the collective wisdom and combined resources for any task. With this background, a critical study of the evaluation of the profile characteristics of the SHGs and Non SHG members was carried out. Hence the present study has been formulated with the objective i.e. to study the profile characteristics of SHG and Non SHG members. The purpose of the study was to compare the SHG and Non SHG members with respect to their profile characteristics. The diagnostic study was confined to 10 villages from which 90 SHGs and 90 Non SHG respondents were selected for the study. The result revealed that the independent sample

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