Abstract: Out of four State Agricultural Universities of Gujarat, two SAUs namely Anand Agricultural University and Junagadh Agricultural University were purposively selected. The present study was conducted with 160 teaching cadre employees (research and extension staff) from both the universities. The 40 respondents from cadre-I employees on the post of Professor and Associate Professor and 40 respondents from cadre-II employees on the post of Assistant Professor from each university were selected randomly. In regards with various indicators of job stress, majority of the employees had very low to low level of role expectation conflict, role erosion and technological change. Majority of them had high to very high level of role overload, while low to very low level of role ambiguity, role isolation, resource and personal inadequacy and inter role distance. Majority of the employees had medium to low level job stress ascribed to organizational leadership. Thus, majority (89.38 per cent) of the employees had medium to low overall job stress.
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