Abstract: Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) belongs to the family leguminaceae and sub-family papilionaceae. Banaskantha district has larger mungbean crop grown area. The lack of transfer of technology from research system to the client system is the main problem in increasing agricultural production in the developing world. The present rate of agricultural production can be doubled if; the available mungbean production technologies are brought to bear with production process and programme. Keeping this fact in view, the Government of India launched front line demonstration programmes for increasing crops production. It has played significant role in increasing the knowledge and adoption of recommended mungbean production technologies by the mungbean growers. So considering this, a study was conducted to know the relationship between level of knowledge about mungbean production technology and profile of FLD famers and non-farmers. The study was conducted in Danta taluka of Banaskantha district because a greater number of FLDs on mungbean crop were conducted in this taluka by KVK, Deesa. The study reveal that education, land holding, social participation, extension participation, sources of information, irrigation potentiality and cropping intensity of FLD respondents had positive and significant correlation with the level of knowledge about mungbean production technologies. While education, land holding, extension participation, irrigation potentiality and cropping intensity of non-FLD respondents had positive and significant correlation with the level of knowledge of farmers about mungbean production technology.
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