Abstract: National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) is a network project of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) aiming to enhance resilience of Indian agriculture to climate change and climate vulnerability through strategic research and technology demonstration. Various climate smart technologies has been diffused amongst tribal farmers to mitigate climate changes in terms of very heavy rainfall, frequent and long dry spells, high humidity etc. The present study was thus, undertaken to assess the impact of the interventions of the climate resilient technologies introduced under the NICRA Project on farm productivity and income of the farmers. The total sample size consists of 160 farmers comprising of 80 participants farmers and 80 non-participants farmers from non-project area. The mean rice productivity of participant farmers (3315.56 kg/ha) was higher than that of the non-participant farmers (2395.32 kg/ha). The difference between the mean level of farm income of participant and non-participant farmers was Rs.37419.80. Findings, therefore, indicated that the project interventions had a significant positive impact on the farm income of the participant farmers.
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