Abstract: Dairy farming is practised mainly by resource poor farmers who have limited access to knowledge, skill, training and credit. Extension interventions would help these farmers to access knowledge and technologies that can enhance their standard of living. This would facilitate them to obtain good economic returns. The major objective of study was to evaluate dairy farmers' knowledge about improved dairy farming practices. The knowledge test of resource poor dairy farmers on four major areas of dairy farming (breeding, feeding, healthcare and management practices) was conducted. A tentative list of 35 items was drafted keeping in view the application of statement suited to the area of study. After getting jury opinion on the items of test, Item difficulty index, Discrimination index and items of validity were worked out. Finally, 28 statements were selected in the final format to measure knowledge about improved dairy farming practices. The reliability coefficient (rtt=0.77) obtained indicated that the internal consistency of the knowledge test developed for the study was very high.
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