Gujarat Journal of Extension Education


Authors: K. N. Raval, J. K. Patel and K. V. Chaudhary

Publisher: The President, Society of Extension Education Gujarat

Keywords: crises, crises management, cumin growers, cloudy weather, unseasonal rainfall

Volume: 36

Issue: 2

Year: December 2023


Abstract: Cumin is important cash crop. However, its production is most uncertain and fluctuates violently from year to year due to various crisis like the extreme variations in the climatic conditions, occurrence of number of disease mainly powdery mildew, blight and wilt as well as man-made factors. The present study was confined to "ex-post-facto" research design. The multistage sampling technique was used for selection of respondents. From each of three selected district viz.;Banaskantha, Patan and Kutch of North-West Agro-Climatic Zone two talukas having highest cumin area and production were selected. Three villages from each taluka and from each village, fifteen cumin growers were selected randomly. Thus, total 270 cumin growers were selected for the study. The result of the study revealed that majority (83.33%) of the cumin growers had medium to low level of knowledge about crisis management practices, while great majority (87.04%) of cumin growers had medium to low level of adoption about crisis management practices. Majority of the cumin growers had knowledge as well as adoption of practices viz., seed is safe from spuriousness and adulteration, deep ploughing before sowing, safe from soil erosion and postpone the irrigation during cloudy weather, unseasonal rainfall or when the sign of disease appear.

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