Abstract: A study was conducted in 2019 - 2020 on a randomly selected 80 trainee farmers who were trained by the Department of Seed Science & Technology, B. A. College of Agriculture, Anand Agricultural University, Anand about the various aspects of Quality Seed Production. The findings revealed that before the training less than two fifth (38.75 percent) of the trainee had a very low level of symbolic adoption, followed by 18.75 percent each of them had a medium and a high level of symbolic adoption, 16.25 percent had a low and only 7.5 percent of them had a very high level of symbolic adoption, respectively. Whereas, in the case of after the training, more than two fifths (45.00 percent) of them had a high level of symbolic adoption, followed by 42.50 percent had a very high, 10 percent had a medium and 2.5 percent had a low level of symbolic adoption, respectively. However in case of effectiveness, before training program the mean score for symbolic adoption of the trainees with respect to different aspects related to Quality Seed Production was found 39.02 and it was reached to 83.08 after the training with a net gain of 44.05.
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