Abstract: Bio-fertilizers refer to substances containing live or dormant cells of microorganisms, specifically with potent strains that facilitate the absorption of nutrients by crop plants through interactions with the rhizosphere. The study was conducted in Navsari district of South Gujarat. it has 6 talukas viz., Navsari, Gandevi, Chikhli, Khergam, Vansda and Jalalpore. All the talukas were covered under study. Bifurcated list was used to identify the respondents and a simple random sampling method was followed for selection of the respondents.120 respondents were selected as a sample size. This study concluded that nearly half of respondents had favourable attitude towards use of private bio-fertilizers, Education, occupation, landholding, annual income, mass media exposure, extension contact, social participation, risk orientation, economic motivation, management orientation were positively and highly significantly associated at 1 per cent level of probability whereas family size, scientific orientation were positively and significantly associated at 5 per cent level of probability associated. In this study Private Bio-fertilizers refers to the bio-fertilizers manufactured by the private sector.
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