Abstract: The study was conducted in Dharwad and Gadag districts of Karnataka. Ex-post facto research design was employed for study. Agriculture Officers and Assistant Agriculture Officers working in Department of Agriculture were selected as the respondents for the present investigation. The total sample size for the study constitute 90 extension personnel. Findings of the study revealed that more than three fourth of the extension personnel had good knowledge regarding the purpose of all selected extension teaching methods. Majority of extension personnel (51.11 %) had high knowledge about the selected extension teaching whereas, 32.22 per cent had medium knowledge level and 16.67 per cent had low knowledge level. Out of eleven independent variables studied, two variables namely, educational qualification and achievement motivation were positively and significantly correlated with the knowledge of extension teaching methods by extension personnel at one per cent level of significance while, years of experience, job involvement and job satisfaction were positively and significantly correlated at five per cent significant level. Other independent variables including age, gender, participation in training, perceived workload and self confidence did not show any significant relationship with knowledge of extension teaching methods by extension personnel.
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