Abstract: Beekeeping is an art and skill of maintaining the bees in modem movable frame hives for hobby or fascination, production of hive products, and pollination services. The study was intended to check the awareness and adoption of Good Beekeeping Practices (GBPs) in Gujarat state. A total of 100 beekeepers were selected by employing the snowball sampling method from Gujarat state. Frequency and tabular method were used to furnish the result. The result revealed that only 12 percent of beekeepers were aware of the guidelines of GBPs were declared by NBB while 100 percent of beekeepers were ware about particular parameters of GBPs. The majority of beekeepers have adopted the GBPs parameters to sustain the beekeeping. The Majority i.e. 74 percent of beekeepers who have occupied the colonies for pollination purposes have domesticated the Apis Cerana while only 26 percent of beekeepers have domesticated the Apis Mellifera species for commercial purposes.
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