Gujarat Journal of Extension Education


Authors: P. K. Sharma, K. D. Tankodara and K. A. Prajapati

Publisher: The President, Society of Extension Education Gujarat

Keywords: fodder sorghum, CoFS 29 variety, usefulness, crop production, animal husbandry, economic usefulness

Volume: 33

Issue: 1

Year: June 2022


Abstract: In Gujarat, sorghum is mainly cultivated for fodder purpose. Out of various zones of Gujarat, middle Gujarat is one of the remarkable zones of livestock population and farmers of this area grow various fodder crops to feed their animals. In middle Gujarat, farmers of Kheda district mainly grow sorghum, pearl millet and maize as a fodder crop. Due to nature of unavailability in some seasons of single cut variety of fodder sorghum and pearl millet, main forage research station, Anand Agricultural University, Anand recommended an improved multi cut variety CoFS 29 of sorghum. After understanding the importance of this variety, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kheda conducted the front line demonstrations of this variety in Kheda district from year 2017 with a view to long term fodder availability and to increase the area of production by increase the number of its adopters. To understand the actual usefulness of this variety among the users of it, the study on views of sorghum growers about CoFS 29 variety regarding its usefulness in Kheda district was conducted on those sorghum growers where KVK Kheda conducted FLD of CoFS 29 of fodder sorghum. A total of 200 CoFS 29 variety users were selected for the study. Ex-post-facto research design was used and interview schedule was prepared in light with objective. Usefulness in crop production, usefulness in animal husbandry and economic usefulness were three key indicators to measure the overall usefulness of this variety. Less number of ploughing is needed than other varieties of fodder sorghum, more number of cuttings and less seeds are needed were major perceived usefulness in crop production. Animal likes to feed and no poisoning effect after feeding of immature fodder were major perceived usefulness in animal husbandry. Less cost of cultivation and more profitable were major economic usefulness perceived by the users. Majority of the users had high perceived overall usefulness of this variety.

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