Abstract: The present study was carried out in six districts of South Gujarat. Paddy, Mung, Tomato and Banana crops were taken under the present study. Out of six districts, 360 crop growers and 48 researchers were selected. Thus, total sample size was 408 respondents for the present study. The study discloses that out of twenty independent variables; education, occupation, farming experience, sources of information, social participation, risk orientation, economic motivation, innovativeness, overall modernity and market orientation were positive and highly significantly correlated, whereas annual income, scientific orientation, management orientation and cropping pattern were positive and significantly correlated with the knowledge of farmers about crisis and its management practices in crops. Age, sources of information, economic motivation, management orientation and overall modernity were positive and highly significantly correlated, while risk orientation, scientific orientation, material possession and market orientation were positive and significantly correlated with the knowledge of researchers about crisis and its management practices in crops.
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